Most days are a time to Plug on, Stand Tall, Hold your head High, yet today I allow myself to Fall.
gerund or present participle: falling
move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.
"bombs could be seen falling from the planes"
drop, descend, come down, go down;
plummet, plunge, sink, dive, tumble;
"bombs began to fall"
(of a person) lose one's balance and collapse.
"she fell down at school today"
topple over, tumble over, keel over, fall down/over, go head over heels, go headlong, collapse, take a spill, pitch forward;
trip, stumble, slip;
informalcome a cropper
"he tripped and fell"
To Fall is humbling.
How do you learn to stand if you have never fallen?
When down, how many hands do you see offered to lift and support?
Look around you and notice that you are not alone, that there are others around you that decided, consciously or not, today was a good day to Fall.
Some of those fell hard and crumpled, while others floated like the feather detached from a ruffled wing in flight. No matter the form of falling, you can lay and rest, look to the sky and still take in the beauty.
There are days where I wish to spill into life, to tumble freely with no regard, yet the days of introspection, walking the downward spiral, I cautiously stumble through the dark, taking in and listening to the shadows that wish to purge and move on.
This seems to be the law of progress in everything we do; it moves along a spiral rather than a perpendicular; we seem to be actually going out of the way, and yet it turns out that we were really moving upward all the time. ~Frances E. Willard
The process of Falling, for me, is a time to cleanse and purge. To go through and remove no longer needed items that have taken over my sacred space.
These items have been well loved and utilized, yet are now ready for new homes or gifted as donations of inspiration.
If you wish to be on the receiving end for Random Falling Gifts, please leave a comment or email me your address and I will be happy to supply!
There in no fee in receiving these gifts, yet donations or a "give what you can" is always welcome.
Remember: you can Fall hard or gracefully, yet you need never to Fall alone.
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