Monday, September 25, 2017

High Arts and the Gypsy Train

Art Competitions can be a crazy ride. The Joy of being accepted, to walking in for drop off and install, you see ALL of the amazing artwork and artists you are showing and competing along side of.
When I received the email that I was accepted my heart was filled with glee, yet then the "old tapes" began when viewing the other submissions.

My head: " yeah like I stand a chance" "don't get your hopes up", and on and on. I take myself aside and have a bit of an internal talking to, reminding myself that I am pretty much a baby in this world of Art and so many people have worked so very hard for years on their craft.
I stand in awe in front of certain pieces that move me or just outright amaze me. These works of Art, these Artists inspire me to continue on, to learn, push harder and grow!

All of the thoughts on how to get votes fill my mind. Voting Parties! Yeah how nice would it be to just have the Gypsy Train flow in with all of MY PEOPLE, just waltz in and cast votes for ME ME ME?!

After much thought, um... that would not be very rewarding. Yes - Winning would be amazing in more ways than one, yet to have votes from those who do not know me and voted because my art/sculpture moved them or spoke to them means so much more than the Train of People walking, bee-lining to the Kiosk without a glance at any other Art in the room.

How, I ask - is that winning?

As for my Submission

I have nestled into the knowledge that "no matter the outcome" I win

If I have touched you
made you ponder
filled your soul
Brought a smile to your face
Lifted a bit of the load
Inspired you in anyway
I Win and So do you

There is so much talent this year, not just in the visual arts realm, but Music, Dance, Theater, and Film. Please take the time to view the amazing works that have been submitted, honor the Artist by casting your vote based not on their name or how well known they are, but on the work alone and how it spoke to you.             High Arts Festival Artists and voting

        ~ Nikki 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Time to Fall

Time to Fall

Most days are a time to Plug on, Stand Tall, Hold your head High, yet today I allow myself to Fall.

gerund or present participle: falling
  1. 1.
    move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.

    "bombs could be seen falling from the planes"

    synonyms:dropdescend, come down, go down; 
  2. 2.
    (of a person) lose one's balance and collapse.

    "she fell down at school today"

    synonyms:topple over, tumble over, keel over, fall down/over, go head over heels, go headlong, collapse, take a spill, pitch forward;