Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Little Girl Within came out Screaming today


(Rough Writing then Revised into a Song)
Across the wire the word travel quakes her inner ear
creating a tremble waking the child within
she climbs the esophageal tube
only after the epiglottis swung back hitting her in the chest
could she plant her feet upon the moist section of the salt buds
screaming she pries wide the never frown mouth
slicing her hands as she grabs hold of the incisors
thrusting her head out
screaming NO!!!
you will not go
hands bleeding torn meat
she lays her head upon the jagged edges of tobacco stained teeth
looking up pulling down
a biting end to her misery
                                 ~ Nikki 2000
Little Girl woke to the scream of travel
she woke to the scream of travel
then she climbed up the back
yeah she climbed the esophageal track
resting her body across salt bud mountain plains
rest her body across salt bud mountains plains
laying her head
over smoke-stained teeth
reach for the incisors
reaching for the incisors
ending her misery
ending her misery
screaming please
please don't gooooooooooo
I said please
please don't go
laying her head
back down again
back to all
where it began
Little Girl
                                          ~ Nikki 2000