Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The In-Between

 The In-Between

“Watching a tree grow will likely drive you crazy. It’s a boring process if you stand there, impatiently tapping your foot, waiting for it to do something. But if you step away and come back later, you’ll be surprised to see something beautiful emerge. The fact is the plant is doing something: it’s growing. Just not as quickly as you might like. Our culture has conditioned us to expect instant results and overnight success; this impatience runs so rampant that we dress it up in terms like “efficiency” and “productivity.” But really what’s happening is we are conditioning ourselves to get what we want now, all the time. This mindset robs us of the lessons that waiting can teach us, causing us to miss out on the slow but important stuff of life.” 
― Jeff Goins, The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing

The Doorway is cracked and I can see the beyond, yet one foot remains planted in it's comfortable shoe on the side it has always known. The side of the door that is familiar and provides.
They tell me that your foot needs a shoe and to keep that shoe you must remain on this side of the door. If you walk through that door, there is no telling where your shoe will end up or if you will keep it at all.

This Shoe is old, 11 years to be exact, and worn. The sole is tired and weary.
Laces are frayed, yet remains intact, this does not mean that it is always safe to walk in.
Worn out treads can create slips and strain on the body.
I feel the strain.

Always admiring others shoes: are they reasonable, sensible, too costly?

What IF!

I kick the shoe to the wind and see where it lands.
To enter the doorway barefoot and free
Digging my toes and heels into the earth.

This could get messy.

I view the crack in the door - has it opened further since the last time I looked?
At times the mind plays tricks and doubt sounds like the clicking of a lock.

The In-Between 
A baby bird standing on a limb learning to fly.

The In-Between
Standing on the limb Stretching my Wings

The In-Between
wiggling my toes
testing the waters

The In-Between at times is messy, yet soon this worn shoe will fly.

~Nikki 9/19/18